Music Therapy Forum (Inspirational Steps) - Sharjah Events

Education / فعاليات تعليمية

Music Therapy Forum (Inspirational Steps)

Music therapy is a professional intervention of using music to enhance various non-musical functioning through structured musical behaviors and experiences. Through systematic process of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation, clients can achieve developmental, physical, psychological, and emotional goals. According to American Music Therapy Association (2015), music therapy can be defined as the clinical and evidence-based use of musical interventions to achieve individual goals within a therapeutic relationship by a qualified and certified professional who has completed the approved music therapy training. (

Music therapy uses all difference levels and forms of musical experience and activities for client needs: receptive to expressive, listening to playing and singing. It is also one of the supportive treatments for other medical conditions such as health promotion, stress control, pain relief, expression of feelings, enhancing memory, improving communication, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and promoting physical rehabilitation.

Hence, Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services has been keen to incorporate a Music Therapy Program since 2013 in cooperation with music therapy department at Ewha Womans University, South Korea. Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services aims at keeping abreast with the best practices in empowering and rehabilitating persons with disabilities through the application of the program to persons with disabilities of various disabilities and ages, to achieve meaningful objectives in the field.

Event Details

Art / فعاليات فنية

  • 14 Aug 2023 - 24 Aug 2023

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